Free Utah Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

February 23, 2009

Vote With Your Dollars

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:04 pm

Think about it . . . every time you spend money you are voting. Are you voting to preserve morality and freedom, or are you voting for corruption and despotism?

Part of every dollar you spend gets donated to further some cause. This is just a fact of business.  All businesses support “non profit” organizations in one form or another, and the bigger the business the more money they feed to such organizations. The only way you can influence where this money goes is by adjusting your spending habits and telling companies why you choose not to do business with them.

While you are giving this some thought, think also about the fact that freedom and morality are inseparably connected.  It is impossible for an immoral people to remain free.

February 21, 2009

Cowards in the Utah Senate

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:25 pm

The past few days have seen the media and the proponents of immorality mount a vicious attack against State Senator Chris Buttars for speaking out against the radical homosexual movement.

While it sickens me to see Reed Cowan and others abuse the the freedom of the press to mount a personal attack on someone to try and sooth their own guilty conscience over abandoning the values they once held dear, it is even worse to see those who should be standing up and supporting Senator Buttars turn into cowards. The actions of the Republican leadership in the Utah State Senate in censuring Senator Buttars is nothing but pure cowardice.

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