Utah Land Use Statistics
The federal government controls nearly 65 percent of the land in the state of Utah, as opposed to states like Pennsylvania, Illinois, New York or Virginia where the federal government controls less than 2% of the total land mass of those states.
* New York State has 30,216,320 acres only 234,000 acres of federal land. One percent of the land mass is federal.
* Pennsylvania has 29,475,200 acres of land and only 677,000 acres of federal land. That amounts to 2.3% of the land mass.
* Illinois has 36,058,700 acres of land and only 490,300 acres of federal land or 1.4%.
On the other hand …
Utah has 52,696,960 acres of land, and a staggering 33,258,253 acres of federal land 63%. Nevada has 70,264,320 acres of land, and (are you ready?) 54,159,458 acres of federal land. That is 77%. Idaho 60%, California, 44.7% Colorado, 36% Oregon 52% Wyoming 54%.
Not only do they control the land, with the anti-development, preservationist philosophy which is currently in vogue, there is great pressure to restrict multiple uses of public land even though “multiple use” is the theoretical underpinning of the concept of “public land”.
Take Back Utah is dedicated to reversing this trend and securing local rights as defined by federal law. Federal land agencies must honor and obey the intent of Congress in the Federal Land Management Policy Act (FLPMA) legislation that repealed the RS2477 statute, but preserved existing rights of way created prior to this act. To date, federal land agencies have yet to recognize one of those right of ways.
They have pushed cattlemen out of historical grazing rights, cut off access to mineral and other resource extraction, all at a cost to the well being of the nation, and to the very existence of local rural communities.
This imbalance must end. To do it you will have to become an activist. Take Back Utah urges your support.
Please lend your support, your name to the cause and your presence at our rally on August 8th. It will be a vehicle parade from the Salt Lake City office building (Washington Square) at 500 S. and State St. and travel north up State St. to the Utah capitol building. It is not the message you will hear that is important. It is the message you will deliver by being there in person. We urge your support.
For more information visit http://www.takebackutah.org